Thursday, 28 December 2017

Cure Your Hearing Problem – Evolution Hearing

The physical impairment is not a disease that will take away the quality of your life. The people who face this kind of impairment often feel demotivated and depressed but they don’t need to. You can know about this, better at Evolution Hearing. The Evolution Hearing as the name suggests deals with hearing issues.

Life is difficult if you cannot hear or comprehend what is happening around you. We at Evolution Hearing believe in justice and it could be achieved only if every person could live a quality life. Life is filled with beautiful sounds of your family members, birds chirping, soothing music, waves on the beach, etc. To miss out on that is not a fair deal. Thus, we have made it a mission to help you rediscover the sounds.

We make sure that all of our patients are informed about the different treatment options that we can provide, and we discuss your hearing before discussing devices. We provide devices like Amplifiers, FM systems, vibrating wireless alarms, Bluetooth audio streaming devices, etc. 

With the correct hearing aids prescribed by our qualified audiologists in Virginia, you can enjoy comfort and a better quality of life.

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Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Hearing Issues and Festivals | Hearing Aids, ALDs and Audiologists

It is said that till we do not experience something, it is hard for us to understand what that person is going through. The people with the hearing impairment are the ones who are misunderstood the most. If a person is having eyesight impairment, one can make out easily with the help of shades and stick but hearing impaired people have to constantly remind other people that they are having the hearing issue.

Audiologists North Carolina

So, here are some of the suggestions by the best audiologists in Virginia:

  • Hearing and Thanksgiving: The thanksgiving is all about pumpkins, get-together and having fun. Your hearing issue could hamper the mood of festivity and you may not be able to enjoy it to the most.
      1. So, make sure that you wear your hearing aids or ALDs suggested by your audiologists. This will help you drive your vehicle and changes in the schedule of bus or train.
      2. Also, do not forget to carry the extra set of chargers and batteries and other hearing aid accessories that will allow you to use your hearing aid in any location.
  • Weather: Thanksgiving means snow and snow mean precipitation reducing the efficiency of hearing aids and also resulting in Tinnitus. Protect your hearing aids from the getting damaged and protecting your ears from strong winds – both are necessary. Thus, anchor it properly. Hearing aid dehumidifiers extract moisture that may build up from your hearing aids throughout the day as a result of rain or sleet.
  • Social Gathering: The social gathering could be difficult as people tend to spend so much time at each other’s house which includes lots of conversation. It could be difficult to put up with the conversation because of multiple people talking all at once. Do not hesitate to ask people to repeat themselves if you couldn’t hear what they said the first time, and wear your hearing aids normally to make it easier to communicate.
So, make sure to consult your audiologist in Virginia and get few useful tips from them. They will give you some tricks to avoid any kind of confusions and mishaps.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

How To Cope up with Hearing Loss? Feelings, Hearing Aids, and Audiologists

Forming any kind of disability could break your morale to some point, no matter how strong you are. It could shake your confidence to the point where you slip into depression. However, you are not the only one who is overwhelmed by the emotions, there are many. Some even after consulting an audiologist and taking help of hearing aids couldn’t cope up with their hearing loss.

Well, you need not panic at all because there is no problem in the world that does not have solution. Some solution needs patience and some are quick. So here are certain tips to cope up with the hearing loss:
  1. Explain yourself and your requirements: When you become part of a hearing issue, your problems and solution could be different than others. Sit with your friends and family and people who you deal with, on daily basis your arrangements and solutions. Explain to them how you want to converse and how can they help. It takes patience to deal with any kind impairment but keep faith to get through.

  1. Do not hide your feelings: no matter how irritating or bothering it is, be open to hearing impairment. Do not isolate yourself as it could lead to depression. One cannot get used to hearing loss overnight; it requires support, patience and maturity. If you are the one dealing with a person with hearing loss, have patience and be calm.

  1. Research: When you learn more and more about hearing loss, you will feel better. Your anxiety will reduce. Reach out to people who have suffered this loss or contact the support group, take help of therapist and audiologist. They could help you with treatment options, medical checkups, and best pair of hearing aids available for you, etc.

  1. Have realistic expectation: You hearing issue could be different than the one you have in your support group. Do not compare your problem with other, nor compare the recovery. You will recover and heal in your own sweet time. However, be realistic about your expectations with the cure and healing. This will help you to move one of the panic and anxiety.
These are some of the methods that will help you cope with your hearing issues. This requires support from your friends and family, patience, audiologist and quality hearing aids in Virginia.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

5 Things You Wish Your Audiologist Knew

Living with a defect makes your life harder anyways. You become the victim of ragging and fun. During those times, you need as much support as you can to improve the quality of your life. It is important to meet an expert who understands you and listens to you. Here are the few things you wish your audiologist will listen during your visits:

  1. Do not be harsh: Being with the field of medicine you cannot afford to be harsh to your patients. They are already going through some issues, you better not increase that. Thus, the receptionist should be friendly and patient.
  2. Acknowledge the story: The patient with hearing issue needs to narrate you the story of his traumatic experience. Having born with the defect or suffering an accident could be depressing and patients would want you to know how he or she were being victimized.
  3. Give the summary in writing: Your patients may miss out on important details and they may be shy to ask you again. Thus, the written summary could help out a lot. This could also save time with the follow-ups and clarifications.
  4. Share the tricks: At times when the patient buys the hearing aid that is new to him, they would want you to share with them the technical details and trades. Those new to hearing loss may not understand how to ask others to help them hear well. While tips for getting the attention of the person first, and keeping the mouth visible are obvious to you, helps them a lot.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

What is Ear Tinnitus? Tests, Treatments and Hearing Aids?

What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus means the sounds that ring in ears. The other common sounds of tinnitus are whooshing, hissing, whistling, buzzing and humming. Tinnitus may not be cured but it has various relief options that may help you with your hearing issue.

Audiologists Virginia

How do you describe your tinnitus?
The first step of curing tinnitus is discovering what are the causes? One of the biggest challenges for tinnitus is finding out that it is tinnitus and not some outside sound. Then is the stage of evaluation and treatment option because everyone experiences it differently. You may face certain questions:
  1. How long have you been hearing those sounds?
  2. Does it happen in specific part of a day or is it continuous?
  3. How loud is the noise?
  4. It is bothering you to the point of mental breakdown or is just irritating?
  5. Is it the same sound every time or does it changes?
Be prepared with that kind of answers and be honest so the relief treatment may work faster. Once your medical history is being checked, and your thorough inspection is done, there are some tests you have to pass.
Here are the tests:
There are few hearing tests that professionals may administer to get the better understanding:
  1. A pitch test: This is the test where you will be told to identify the pitch of the ringing sound. You may want to be honest during this as this will help decide your treatment.
  2. Loudness test: This is the level of sound you’re hearing. It is more common for people to experience soft sounds than louder ones.
  3. Visual analogue test: This can be used to determine perceived loudness because the tinnitus is often perceived much louder than the decibel level that matches.
What are the treatments?
  • If you feel you have become the victim of tinnitus, hearing aids help with the situation. Consult your hearing loss doctor and they will assist you with tinnitus relief treatment. Many hearing aids today even include tinnitus therapy features.
  • Tinnitus masking or noise suppression are common treatment option. This type of device is worn in the ear like a hearing aid and produces either a constant signal or tonal beats to compete with the sounds you're hearing.
  • You can use white noise generator as tinnitus gets worse in peaceful place. Thus, that could be a blessing as it could help you ignore the constant ringing sound.
  • However, the best option is to consult a professional. Remember that you are not alone - tinnitus, while not well-understood, is common. Book an appointment with the hearing professional of Virginia.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Here Are Some Useful Hearing Issue Tips

The fall season is here and lets make it a gorgeous with few of the light and inexpensive hearing tips.

With the fall comes the seasons of soccer and basketball and Christmas and thanksgiving. All these activities including acute hearing and conversing with the people. Because we do not want to embarrass ourselves by replying something wrong to the question, here are some of the useful hearing tips:
  1. Football stadiums could get too loud for you and that could worsen your hearing issue. Thus, prepare for this beforehand and consult your audiologist. If you are in the stadium, protecting your hearing is the key. Without proper hearing protection, exposure to 85 dB for longer than eight hours can lead to a permanent hearing loss.

  2. Leaf blower and lawn mower are just not good for your hearing issue. Just like football noise, it could worsen it. Using your leaf blower and lawn mower to remove them from your front lawn can damage your hearing. However, the leaf blower is once a year use but lawnmower has frequent usage. Thus, make sure their decibels are suited for you hearing.

  3. Try wireless accessories as they will help you connect to the people who suffer the same issues as yours. This Halloween and Thanksgiving season, go wireless with the activities like picking pumpkin or apples for the pies. You can also use its directional microphone to enhance one-on-one conversations.

  4. Customize your sound experience with creative hearing devices. These days in the modern generation, when every device is being reconstructed, you can buy hearing aids that will help your custom setting.
To know more about hearing aids, hearing issues and audiologists, contact Evolution Hearing, Virginia.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

How to cope with hearing loss at initial stage?

The hearing issue is something that one has had time to believe and get it treated. Hearing loss is quite common, next to eyesight loss. Coping strategies and pretending to hear often go together but that is not the solution. The hearing may damage the quality of your life but does not have to be that way. Contact a good hearing loss doctor and he will assist you to improve the quality of your life by treating your hearing issue and suggesting you the correct hearing aid.

However, here are some of the coping strategies for
hearing loss:
  1. Lip Reading: When you experience a serious hearing loss, try the lip reading activity. Most of the times, you could easily make out what a person is trying to say when you see their lips moving in a certain pattern. Though it could be really hard when you do not know that person but it helps a certain level.
  2. Cupping your ears and scratching it – does not help: Cupping or scratching your ears does not help because; it may not make any difference. When you feel you are hearing less clearly than before, it is better if you run straight to the audiologist and get it diagnosed. The problem could sometimes become worse with scratching it.
  3. Nodding and Fake Smiling – doesn’t help either: Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way. In this case, I learned that it’s better to speak up and ask people to repeat themselves 50 times versus nodding along like you’re hearing everything. Why? Well, by nodding and smiling, you’re only doing yourself a disservice. It’s not fun to fake your life.
  4. Laughing because others arevery tricky: You laugh because others are laughing could be tricky. You may not know, whether they are making fun of you and you make fool of yourself. In the end, don’t watch for others to laugh before you do. Give yourself the opportunity to hear the joke, enjoy the joke and truly experience the freeing joy of authentic laughter.
Why cope, when you absolutely don’t have to?
Well, do not cope with your hearing because there are many audiologists available to treat your hearing. One such is Evolution Hearing which has best hearing loss doctors in Virginia. To set an appointment, give us a call on 919-670-3258.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

A Glass Of Wine – Boon or Bane For Hearing Issue

There are thousands of theories regarding positive and negative effects of drinking. However, there is one theory which says moderate wine drinking could be beneficial for hearing the issue. You may not even require hearing aids for all your life. For everyone worried about hearing loss, the research is yielding important and sometimes surprising results too.

So, here are some of the theories of hearing impairment:

1. A glass of red wine a day keeps the hearing issue away: As a result of the French paradox, people drink lots of red wine a day. But having one or two glasses of red wine a day could avoid the hardening of arteries which could have lead to strokes and other coronary problems. The researchers say that red wine is made up of resveratrol, which reduces inflammation and helps reduce cholesterol. In 2014, a group of researchers in the UK found a theory that they have reported the decreased risk of hearing loss for those who drink occasionally, and even for those who had a drink daily.
2. Too much alcohol – not good: Well, too much alcohol is anyway not good. Very heavy alcohol consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is a known risk factor for hearing loss. The alcohol causes hypertension which is not good for the body and apparently for hearing issue as well. It is said that the more you drink, the harder it may be to hear. One of the studies, concluded that “alcohol specifically blunts lower frequencies in the 1000 Hz range, which is the most crucial frequency for speech discrimination.”

3. Cocktail party deafness: As people grow old, they tend to have cocktail party deafness. They shut out all the other conversation and focus on one single conversation. One of the researchers also has discovered that heavy consumption of alcohol can diminish hearing. It becomes clear that when loud partiers raise their voices, they are not only trying to compete with other loud
talkers but also may be compensating for diminished hearing overall after everyone’s had a few too many.

Solution: Well, the solution to avoid any kind of deafness is to avoid intake of excess alcohol.
And if that does not help then, just contact the best audiologists in Charlottesville, Virginia and they will help with every kind of hearing issues like assistive listening device, hearing aids, follow-ups and medications.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Challenge To Understand Speech

An individual with high-frequency hearing loss has difficulty in understanding the speech with a high pitch such as of women and children and birds or the doorbell. Talking to family and friends over the telephone could be equally challenging. High frequencies help with speech understanding, because fricative sounds like S, H, and F are high in pitch. When hearing in the low frequencies is normal, also, hearing the loudness is normal and vowel sounds can still be heard easily. What is not easy is to make out important high-frequency consonant sounds.

The tiny hair cells at the base of cochlea process incoming sounds from external sources. Hair cells in the cochlea can be damaged by a number of factors, like noise, age, ototoxic medications and disease. Age-related hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss often affect the high frequencies first rather than lower frequency.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

All You Need To Know About High-Frequency Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss has types and degrees, out of which the most common one is high-frequency or high pitch hearing loss. The high-frequency hearing loss is between 2000 Hz to 8000 Hz and decreased acuity in high-frequency range is the first sign of hearing loss. The hearing tests and its results will be explained by audiologists using audiograms. An audiogram is a graph that displays how well you hear at each frequency, or pitch, which is important for speech understanding.

A hearing professional tests hearing between 250Hz to 8000Hz. An audiogram for high-frequency hearing loss shows hearing within the range of normal from 250 Hz – 1500 Hz, with results falling outside the range for normal hearing around 2000 Hz.

Challenge to understand speech
An individual with high-frequency hearing loss has difficulty in understanding the speech with a high pitch such as of women and children and birds or the doorbell. Talking to family and friends over the telephone could be equally challenging. High frequencies help with speech understanding, because fricative sounds like S, H, and F are high in pitch. When hearing in the low frequencies is normal, also, hearing the loudness is normal and vowel sounds can still be heard easily. What is not easy is to make out important high-frequency consonant sounds.

The tiny hair cells at the base of cochlea process incoming sounds from external sources. Hair cells in the cochlea can be damaged by a number of factors, like noise, age, ototoxic medications and disease. Age-related hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss often affect the high frequencies first rather than lower frequency.

Hearing aids could help
Hearing aids are misunderstood treatment. Hearing aids are the better option for the people who opt not to wear them. Custom hearing aids are available that suits your lifestyle, personality and budget. There are many options available to correct high-frequency hearing loss all you need to do is to ask your hearing professional.

Contact Evolution Hearing and meet with the best audiologist in Raleigh who will assist you with every hearing issue.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Types Of Treatment For Childhood Hearing Loss

 Assistive Listening Devices

The hearing issue in children is not an uncommon issue but it needs to be treated as soon as it is detected. Depending on the severity and cause of the hearing loss in your child, hearing aids, cochlear implants and a combination of speech therapy or assistive listening devices might be recommended forms of treatment. If the child has build up wax, ear infection or any other temporary loss, then consult your Audiologist or hearing doctor and they will provide you with one of the following solutions:
  1. Hearing aids: These are the aids that help children with hearing loss. There are high-quality high-powered hearing aids for children with a profound hearing loss that offer high-quality hearing assistance.
  2. Cochlear implants: These devices are surgical devices implanted directly in the auditory nerve with electric stimulation. The cochlear implant also has external devices which make kids friendly devices, especially for infants and toddlers.
  3. Speech therapy: For children who have had hearing loss that has affected their speech, he or she might need speech-language therapy after getting hearing aids or a cochlear implant to help him or her catch up on speech delays.
  4. Assistive listening devices: Many hearing aid manufacturing companies offer assistive listening devices such as Amplifiers, TV listening devices, FM systems, wireless alarms, etc. These devices are discreet and work in the classroom situation in conjunction with the child's hearing aid or cochlear implant. This help overcomes the poor acoustics of classroom settings or other venues with louder background noise. Essentially, the teacher wears or has a discreet microphone in front of him or her that transmits his or her voice directly to the child's hearing aids or cochlear implant.
For the better results, contact the best audiologist services of the town, which uses state-of-the-art technology and has a kid-friendly staff - Evolution Hearing, North Carolina

Thursday, 12 October 2017

7 Times Child Could Face The Non-Genetic Hearing Issue

Hearing issues in a child is a common issue in the USA. However, if it is genetic, one can only be treated but if it is non-genetic, it is not easily identified. Hearing losses in children can be conductive, sensorineural or mixed. Every person dealing with them on daily bases like parents, caretakers, teachers and others should immediately know the signs of an address hearing loss in children.

So here are some reasons that child can cause non - genital hearing loss:
  1. If a mother and child have birth complications such as the presence of herpes, rubella cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis or another serious infection, lack of oxygen or the requirement of a blood transfusion for some reason.
  2. Premature birth could be the reason for babies to have the hearing impairment. If they weigh less than 3 pounds or that require certain life-sustaining drugs for respiration due to prematurity are at risk for hearing loss.
  3. A nervous system or brain disorder. When you have a brain disorder, it could directly affect your hearing system because the vein of ears is connected directly to the brain.
  4. The use of ototoxic medication by the mother during pregnancy can cause hearing issue to the child. Ototoxic medications are not illicit substances – but heavy medications like various antibiotics that can cause damage to the auditory nerve of the fetus.
  5. If a mother does not take enough care during pregnancy then she could become infectious by things like toxoplasmosis or German measles, could damage the hearing power of a baby. Thus, other should take utmost care of herself during pregnancy
  6. Maternal diabetes could cause hearing impairment in children with other issues like overweight, low blood sugar, jaundice, etc
  7. It is a strict ban on drug and alcohol abuse for a mother. Alcohol can pass from the mother's blood into the baby's blood and can damage and affect the growth of the baby's cells. Brain and spinal cord cells are most likely to have damage.
There are various, hearing aids available for children which are different from adults and which suits them best with their lifestyle and their playfulness. Bring them to Evolution Hearing in Raleigh, NC or Charlottesville, Virginia. It is an independent, private audiology where you will be provided with personalized care and will help you understand the solutions available to you based on your hearing needs, budget and lifestyle so you can make an informed buying decision.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

7 Things To Take Care Of While Buying Hearing Aids

Hearing impairment is not a weakness if proper care is taken. It could happen to anybody. If you have the problem of a hearing problem by birth, then it is not your mistake, but if you do not take enough care, then it is definitely yours. So here are the 7 things to take care of while buying hearing aids:

1. Consult your doctor: Consult the expert while buying hearing aids because they will guide you throughout. Evolution Hearing has some of the best audiologists in Virginia, talk to them for any questions and query.

2. Get the fitting correct: Fitting of the hearing aid should be correct because, if it is loose then it can fall off and when it is tight, it will bother you. Thus, get the fitting correct.

3. Life Style matters a lot: While buying the hearing aids, lifestyle matters a lot. These days’ hearing aids have features that some you may want some you may not. Before you buy, make a list of “must haves” to accommodate your lifestyle.

4. Do not sacrifice anything for money: You do not need to sacrifice anything for the sake of money because the human body is more important than anything else in the world. Go to the store that offers the broad scope of products, services and support.

5. Plan ahead: Instead of getting the aids serviced on the time of breakdown, you must know in advance where and how will you get them serviced. Finding out in advance can save you a lot of time and frustration.

6. Have realistic expectations from your aids: When you buy hearing aids, do not have unrealistic expectations. Improving communication involves a long-term rehabilitative process in which the hearing aid is the only part. As such, you should enter into this rehabilitative process with realistic goals.

7. Two is better than one: When you can have two why to have one, right? It is better to keep two hearing aids rather than one. In case of emergency or urgency, you will not have to be baffled and you can be ready to fight your war.

So, this is how you take care of your hearing aids. If you will be prepared in advance, you won’t have to face any problem later on.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Types of Hearing Tests

A variety of tests* can be done to identify and diagnose hearing loss. The method used depends in part on the age of the individual along with other factors based on specific needs. If you’ve had your hearing checked at an audiologist’s office, you’ve probably received more than one type of test. Here are some of the main types of hearing tests, what they measure and what you can expect if you’re getting one.

Standard Hearing Screening, also known as Pure-Tone Testing – This hearing test determines the faintest tones a person can hear at selected pitches, or frequencies, from low to high. During this test, earplugs or earphones are worn, so that information can be obtained for each ear. The person taking the test will then be asked to respond when they hear a sound. The audiologist may have you respond to the sound in a variety of ways, such as raising a finger or hand, pressing a button, or saying “yes” to indicate that a sound was heard. The sounds played are at different pitches and levels. The results will be recorded on an audiogram.

Speech Testing – This is an aspect of the standard exam where speech discrimination or word recognition is tested. This helps confirm the pure-tone test results and it helps audiologists assess how well a hearing aid can help. The test involves word recognition and repeating words at a comfortable loudness level. It’s also recorded on the audiogram.

Middle Ear Testing – This provides information on how the middle ear is functioning. These measurements include tympanometry (putting air pressure into the ear canal to measure the mobility of the eardrum). This test helps detect fluid, perforation of the eardrum or a wax blockage.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Testing – This test measures how long it takes sound to get from your ear to the processing areas in your brain. This can reveal if the pathways between the brain and the inner ear are working correctly. An ABR test is performed by placing small electrodes on the head and recording brain wave activity in response to sound. The person being tested is either quietly resting or asleep. A computer averages the information for the audiologist to interpret.

Otoacoustic Emissions Testing – Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) are sounds given off by the inner ear when the cochlea is stimulated by a sound. When sound stimulates the cochlea, the outer hair cells vibrate. The vibration produces a nearly inaudible sound that echoes back into the outer ear. This sound can be measured by a small probe inserted in the ear canal.

If you believe you suffer from hearing loss, there are multiple tests that can help you find out and get you on the track to better hearing and better health! Please call Evolution Hearing in Charlottesville, VA at 434-260-8007 or at our Raleigh, NC location at 919-670-3258 today to see how we can help.

Content Source Types of Hearing Tests

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

How to keep your family safe with hearing issue?

Hearing impairment can cause serious problem if it is not taken care of at the earliest. It could create serious problems for you and your family’s safety. It could be in danger. Imagine you and your little toddler are going for a walk and a car comes crashing to you with honking noise but you still can’t hear it, you could become a victim of an accident. Thus, here are the following things to take care of, if you have hearing impairment:

1. Create visual cues:
There are some alarm systems that create visual and auditory alerts both. If you cannot hear that is okay, but if you can see the danger, you can definitely do something about it. The flashing lights would alert me you to visitors, even if you could not hear them approach.

2. Rely on companions, neighbors:
Do notify the person you are living with and the neighbors about your problem. They will assist you when you are in need. If they will know about your problem, they will take immediate actions on that. When you cannot hear, relying on someone becomes a necessary option, and that does not mean you have to depend on them completely.

3. Use security system:
It is not necessary that you arm your house alarm all the time. You can also arm when you are in actual need of that. But do use it if your hearing issue is getting worse. Also, keep the house locked and armed when in need or even if not.

4. Adopt a dog:
Like blind people have pets to guide them with the danger, you could also adopt a dog. The dog will be your best companion and be loyal to you for life. It is one of the viable options when you are in traffic or place full of crowd.

5. Build a support network:
When you meet people with the same disability as you have, it could create a sense of relief in you. You could also get solution to your different problems and you will be able to ask for the solution without any hesitation. Partner with neighbors to alert one another to anything unusual in the area. We should all take the time to do this, hearing loss or not.

6. Have a backup plan:
Discuss with your family about the safe place of your houses. When there is a danger in or nearby your house, where should you hide? Also, keep some signatures to alert them when anyone of you is in danger. Keep yourself and your family safe when needed.

7. Use hearing aids:
The best and affordable option is to use hearing aids. The hearing aids will assist you to hear the sounds immediately without any delay and you will be able to save your family in the time of need.

Now, you know what you have to do when you are in danger of hearing impairment. To have a disability is not an issue but to make it a weakness is an issue. Resolve that issue immediately with Evolution Hearing.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

What is an Audiologist?

An audiologist specializes in identifying, diagnosing, treating and monitoring disorders of the auditory and vestibular systems of the ear. They are healthcare professionals dedicated to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing loss.
Audiologists have extensive training and skills in evaluating the hearing of adults, infants and children of all ages. They conduct a variety of tests to determine the exact nature of an individual’s hearing problem and present an array of treatment options to patients with hearing impairment. Audiologists use specialized equipment in sound-treated rooms to obtain accurate hearing loss results.

Some of the main things an audiologist can do for you include:
  • Perform comprehensive diagnostic hearing tests
  • Remove earwax if necessary
  • Dispense and fit hearing aids
  • Test your balance to evaluate dizziness
  • Provide hearing-rehabilitation training
  • Check for medically related hearing problems
  • Refer patients when hearing problem needs medical or surgical evaluation
Audiologists can also provide:
If you suspect you’re suffering from hearing loss, seeing an audiologist should be your first move. Please call us at our Charlottesville, VA at 434-260-8007 or at our Raleigh, NC location at 919-670-3258 today to see how we can help.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Hearing Aid Fact from Fiction

Hearing and sight are arguably our two most important senses. Unfortunately, both of these senses start to fail us as we age. But we tend to react to each quite differently. People don’t have a problem treating their failed eyesight – just think about all of the people you know who wear glasses and contacts, or have even had Lasik surgery. When it comes to treating hearing loss, however, people aren’t in as much of a hurry, if it ever gets treated at all.

So what’s keeping us from treating hearing loss? The immediate impact of each impairment has something to do with it. You can’t drive, read or watch TV with impaired vision, but you can cope with hearing issues, at least temporarily. While the immediate impact of compromised hearing may seem fairly harmless, the long-term effect on quality of life is real and can be severe.

The Perception of Hearing Aids
There are perceptions of hearing loss and hearing aids that just aren’t true. Advancements in science and technology have debunked a lot of the myths associated with hearing loss. Here are five of the most common hearing loss related myths.

Myth #1: There’s no treatment for hearing loss.
Fact: Hearing loss could be irreversible, and even if it isn’t, it can be helped. Hearing aids are the most recommended and effective treatment for hearing loss. Custom programmed by a trained professional, today’s hearing aids can help people with even severe hearing loss hear, thus improving their overall quality of life.

Myth #2: Your doctor will tell you if you need hearing aids.
Fact: Most general practitioners don’t have time to test for hearing loss. According to The Better Hearing Institute, as of 2017 only 23% of adults reported having their hearing screened during a physical exam.

Myth #3: Hearing aids are hard to use.
Fact: Hearing aids have come along way in just the past few years. Advancements in processing speeds and hearing science enable hearing aids to distinguish speech from noise, detect sound direction and adjust to specific environments automatically. Your hearing aids can be worn all day with little attention if they’ve been fitted and programmed by a hearing professional.

Myth #4: Hearing aids will make you stand out.
Fact: Today’s hearing aids are much more discreet than in the past. There are even types that can fit deep into your ear canal, making them invisible to others.

Myth #5: Hearing aids aren’t worth the trouble.
Fact: Hearing loss can have a significant negative impact on your quality of life. According to a study done by The National Council on the Aging (NCOA), untreated hearing loss has serious emotional and social consequences for seniors.

If you suffer from hearing loss, don’t let myths keep you from living your best life. Please call Evolution Hearing in Charlottesville, VA at 434-260-8007 or our Raleigh, NC location at 919-670-3258 today to see how we can help.
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Wednesday, 23 August 2017

How to survive the hearing loss? Few tips by Raleigh audiologist to survive ear impairment…

Chris Burke once said, “It’s not our disability, it’s our ability that counts.” So, there is nothing in the world that cannot be done by disabled people. They are in-fact the people who live life to the fullest. One such ability is hearing impairment. The hearing disability is not a weakness; however, to make it your strength, remember these few tips by Audiologists of Virginia:

1. Ask for, and give ASSISTANCE:
If you are at the place where you are having trouble hearing or listening to what the other party or speaker is speaking, you may ask for the assistance. Similarly, if you encounter someone who is in need of assistance, do not back down to help them.

2. Join disables community as also get associated with other NGOs:
If you be with the people who are suffering the same issue, then you will be more comfortable. This way you can discuss your ideas, your problems and can get the best solution possible for it. It is said that like-minded people often have suffered the same situation. Thus, joining community could benefit you.

3. Technology is always there to help you; all you have to do is to ask for help:
There is no place left where technology isn’t being a helping hand. All you have to do is to ask for the help. Contact Hearing Loss Doctor of Virginia or ask for Audiologist in North Carolina. The doctors will help you with the perfect hearing aid or assistive listening devices suiting your requirement and match your standard of living.

4. Use it as your brownie power:
It is said that if God is taking away something, he will compensate it with some other thing. So, if your listening abilities are being taken away, you will either be able to read lips or follow the body language to understand what is spoken and you will be better than the rest.

So, just enhance and embrace what abilities you have rather than focusing on what disability you have. As Martina Navratilova said, “Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do one thing well, you are needed by someone.”

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

What is high-frequency hearing loss?

Hearing loss varies by degree and type, but high-frequency hearing loss is one of the most common. Hearing professionals define high-frequency hearing loss as hearing loss that occurs between 2000 Hertz (Hz) and 8000 Hertz. Decreased hearing in this range is often the first sign of hearing loss.

After you get a hearing test, your hearing professional will explain your test results using an audiogram. An audiogram is a graph that shows how well you hear at each frequency, which is important for speech understanding. The audiogram will show hearing within the range of normal, from 250 Hz to 1500 Hz, with results falling outside of the normal hearing range around 2000 Hz.

Difficulty understanding speech
High-frequency hearing loss makes it challenging to understand speech in noise, and the voices of women and children, which are often higher in pitch than men. It can also be difficult to hear sounds like birds chirping, the doorbell ringing or voices over the telephone.

Frictive sounds like S, H and F are high in pitch, which is why high frequencies help with speech understanding. Tiny hair cells inside the cochlea process incoming sounds. High-frequency sounds are processed at the base of the cochlea, while low-frequency sounds are processed near the top. The hair cells at the base are more susceptible to damage, which is why hearing loss often affects high frequencies before low frequencies.

Noise, age, medications, and disease are all factors that can damage hair cells. Age-related hearing loss and noise induced hearing loss often affect the high frequencies first.

How hearing aids can help
Hearing aids are an effective treatment for high-frequency hearing loss. There are many different options available to help correct your hearing, such as open fit hearing aids and custom hearing aids with large vents that will maximize normal hearing in the low and mid-frequency ranges and amplify the high-frequency hearing affected by hearing loss. For more information, call Evolution Hearing in Charlottesville, VA at 434-260-8007 or our Raleigh, NC location at 919-670-3258, so we can help improve your quality of life.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Can treating hearing loss help prevent dementia?

A study conducted by The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Care noted that 50 million people have dementia worldwide – and that number is expected to triple by 2050. The need for dementia prevention and management is urgent, as dementia not only affects the person who has it, but it also impacts their family and friends.


The nine lifestyle factors
The Lancet Commission’s 24 international experts concluded that one in three cases of dementia could be prevented if people managed nine lifestyle factors – one of which is managing hearing loss during midlife (between age 40-65). The other eight include:
  • Increased childhood education
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining social engagements
  • Reducing or stopping smoking
  • Managing depression
  • Managing diabetes
  • Managing hypertension
  • Avoid obesity
Dementia typically doesn’t manifest itself with symptoms until age 65+, but the study’s authors say it likely begins between ages 40-65. If people can manage the above nine modifiable risk factors early on in life, it could great contribute to preventing or delaying dementia.

Dementia and hearing loss
Science isn’t yet certain why unmanaged hearing loss can increase the risk for dementia. But it has confirmed that hearing loss strains your brain, leading to social isolation and depression, and it accelerates brain atrophy.

Hearing loss is something you can manage with the help of hearing professionals. If you think you have hearing loss, take control and call Evolution Hearing in Charlottesville, VA at 434-260-8007 or our Raleigh, NC location at 919-670-3258 so we can help improve your quality of life.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Hearing Loss Doctor North Carolina

It is not easy to carry a handicapped self without the support. However, there is nothing that a handicapped person cannot do. They are stronger than normal human beings. They learn to embrace their uniqueness and use it to do something courageous. Similar is the story of Nancy, who started her own range of deaf jewelry for all the people who have a hard time conversing with the people around them.


Nancy realized she was 7 years old when she was first detected with the hearing loss issue. At 17, she lost the majority of her hearing all at once and 15 years later, at the age of 32, it remains the same. She has a bilateral sensorineural hearing loss that is severe and fond of fluctuating. But she believes there is nothing she isn’t capable of doing. She has proudly embraced her deafness and she says, “Without this loss, I wouldn’t be me.”

Talking about her work, she has introduced a wide range of deaf jewelry designs including STEREO Earrings which gives a loud and clear message that, “I am not in a mood to talk, so avoid making conversations with me.” She got this idea from her mother who used to ask her to wear a sign board. Being young and hard of hearing is difficult enough, but having to explain to strangers why I couldn't hear them was even harder. Thus, she came up with the idea of jewelry which made dear look cool and sends a clear message that they are deaf and not in the mood of the conversation. Her "LOUDER JEWELRY" sends the message to people in the hearing community who don’t understand what it’s like to live as a Deaf/HOH individual and can make a small impact on our community and effect change for the better.

When you are ashamed to try something different, then you have to worry. So, do not be ashamed of trying something new and good. Embrace your flaws and improve them for better.
However, Evolution Hearing is always there throughout your journey of deafness to help you at every stage. We will answer all your questions like Where to Buy Hearing Aids in Charlottesville and Raleigh? Which will be the good assistive listening device? or whether one hearing aid would be sufficient?

#Let’s Dare To Do Something Different

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Tips for Driving Safely with Hearing Loss

Does your hearing loss affect your ability to drive safely? Hearing loss, while often inconvenient and frustrating, can also be quite risky when you are behind the wheel of a car. You may be unable to hear someone honking or yelling at you to possibly get out of the way of danger. The sound cues we normally rely on while driving, such as horn honking or the ringing of a bicycle bell, become a lot harder to detect with hearing loss and they could even go unnoticed. We want to share some things that can help you to navigate the road safely if you’re hard of hearing.

Get your hearing treated. This is the best way to help you drive safely. If you haven’t had your hearing checked, but you believe you may suffer from hearing loss, don’t wait any longer to get it checked out. You may need hearing aids, which will greatly increase your hearing and safety on the road. If you already wear hearing aids, make sure you always wear them while operating a vehicle and continue to get regular hearing aid checkups.

Avoid distractions. Do not try to multitask while on the road. Put down the phone! It’s a widely known fact that texting and driving can lead to accidents, and trying to talk on the phone can be extremely distracting because you’re busy straining to hear what the person on the phone is saying. If you’re in a situation where you need to call someone or address a situation, pull over and deal with it before attempting to do so while driving.

Keep the music down. Not only does loud music damage your hearing, but it’s also a big distraction that makes it impossible to hear sound cues from the outside environment. Loud music can cause you to miss ambulance or police car sirens that are near by. These are noises you do not want to miss in case you need to move your car out of the way.

Pay attention visually. It’s always important to keep your eyes on the road, but if you suffer from hearing loss, it’s extra important because you need to use visual cues to make sense of your external environment. Pay close attention to traffic signals and always use your rearview mirror. Hearing loss makes it harder to pinpoint the relative distance of moving vehicles, so using your eyes carefully is important for protecting yourself and those around you.

If you believe you’re suffering from hearing loss please call Evolution Hearing at our Charlottesville, VA location, 434-260-8007 or at our Raleigh, NC location, 919-670-3258 to schedule an appointment today.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Find Hearing Loss Doctor in North Carolina?

A person with hearing issue has a blessing in disguise if he/she has hearing aid. The aids or assistive listening devices are like door to the world. The people with hearing aids forget to take care of their devices from time to time. With 14.6% of baby boomers today having a hearing problem, you need your listening device to function the best it possibly can. Thus, here are the few ways you can take care of your hearing aids:
Audiologists Virginia

  1. Battery Life: The battery of hearing equipment is very small due to its. Thus, it does not carry good amount of power. The best way to combat this is to carry spares. Spare batteries for hearing aids can be kept in a purse or pocket will compensate for the dead one, allowing you to continue to keep using your device.
  1. Avoid Moisture: Rain, wet or humid atmosphere could damage your hearing aid. The regular splash of water could damage your hearing aid too. Thus, if you come in contact with humidity frequently, then get a coat for hearing aid. However, if this happens once in a while, then you do not need to worry about that.
  1. Perform listening checks: Listen to the hearing aid every day. Using a listening tube, you can listen to the hearing aids to be sure that they sound clear and not weak or scratchy. Your audiologist will teach you how to listen to intermittency and internal feedback.
  1. Wax: The ear wax building up inside your ears will affect your hearing aid adversely and eventually it will damage the hearing aids permanently. A good hearing aid should be kept dry and clean by practicing a good hygiene in your ears. Remove the Ear molds from the hearing aids once in a while and clean it with a mild soap solution.
  1. The feedback noises: Due to technical issues, one of the most common problems with hearing aids these days is high-pitched shrieking noises known as feedback. To avoid this, do not turn on your hearing aid until it’s fitted snugly in your ear. Some hearing aids nowadays also come with an elimination feature to avoid feedback noises.
These are the few tips to take care of your hearing aids. Follow these tips and you will never face any issue with hearing aids. However, if you need proper guidance, you can contact Evolution Hearing.