It is not easy to carry a handicapped self without the support. However, there is nothing that a handicapped person cannot do. They are stronger than normal human beings. They learn to embrace their uniqueness and use it to do something courageous. Similar is the story of Nancy, who started her own range of deaf jewelry for all the people who have a hard time conversing with the people around them.

Nancy realized she was 7 years old when she was first detected with the hearing loss issue. At 17, she lost the majority of her hearing all at once and 15 years later, at the age of 32, it remains the same. She has a bilateral sensorineural hearing loss that is severe and fond of fluctuating. But she believes there is nothing she isn’t capable of doing. She has proudly embraced her deafness and she says, “Without this loss, I wouldn’t be me.”
Talking about her work, she has introduced a wide range of deaf jewelry designs including STEREO Earrings which gives a loud and clear message that, “I am not in a mood to talk, so avoid making conversations with me.” She got this idea from her mother who used to ask her to wear a sign board. Being young and hard of hearing is difficult enough, but having to explain to strangers why I couldn't hear them was even harder. Thus, she came up with the idea of jewelry which made dear look cool and sends a clear message that they are deaf and not in the mood of the conversation. Her "LOUDER JEWELRY" sends the message to people in the hearing community who don’t understand what it’s like to live as a Deaf/HOH individual and can make a small impact on our community and effect change for the better.
When you are ashamed to try something different, then you have to worry. So, do not be ashamed of trying something new and good. Embrace your flaws and improve them for better.
However, Evolution Hearing is always there throughout your journey of deafness to help you at every stage. We will answer all your questions like Where to Buy Hearing Aids in Charlottesville and Raleigh? Which will be the good assistive listening device? or whether one hearing aid would be sufficient?
#Let’s Dare To Do Something Different
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