Hearing loss has become a major public issue with the increase in noise and development of technology. Hearing loss can be either genetic or non-genetic; both can hinder your life.

Some genetic reasons for hearing loss comprises of complication at the time of pregnancy. If expecting mother works in the noisy workplace, it can be harmful to newborn. Some children may suffer from hearing loss due to low birth weight or premature birth, or abnormal inner ear development.
There are some non-genetic reasons for hearing loss which includes taking ototoxic drugs, using your headsets or earphones at a high pitch for prolonged hours. Hearing loss can be also due to ageing. It starts at the age of 30-40 years until 80 years of age. It can be also due to certain ailments related to ears.
It affects every age group of people. For a newborn, it hinders their ability to speak, a child cannot get proper training and development in their growing years due to hearing loss and for an adult, it may prove difficult acquiring employment and friends with improper hearing ability.
According to one survey, about 2 to 3 out of every 1,000 children in the United States are born with a detectable level of hearing the loss in one or both ears.
How can you deal with the hearing loss?
- Lip Reading: Lip reading can prove helpful. You need to observe the movement of lips of a speaker and communicate with them.
- Sign language: You can use sign language to communicate with people.
- Protect yourself from the noisy environment: You need to stay away from traffic jams or noisy area such as manufacturing factories.
- Hearing aids: Wearing hearing aid is not shameful but useful if you are suffering from hearing ailment.
We care for your ears, so as you. Feel free to approach us for regular ear check-ups or if your ears are troubling you in your routine at Evolution Hearing at Raleigh, North Carolina. To set an appointment, please call us on 434-260-8007.
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