The 5 senses are essential for a human body to function perfectly. Out of 5 even if one sense isn’t functioning properly, then there could be a problem. The most affected sense organs are ears. When ears fail to respond, we feel miserable and disappointed. Then you have to take help of Assistive Listening Devices.

The hearing problem starts with school going children. When a student chooses to not finish homework or do not pay attention, then it could be because of hearing issues. Around 12 in 10,000 children are born with a moderate or greater hearing loss in both ears, and at least other 20 in 10,000 will need Hearing Aids Charlottesville, Virginia and Raleigh, North Carolina for long-term hearing loss by the age of 17 years.
Below mentioned are some signs that your older child may have trouble hearing:
- They do not respond immediately when called
- Their school grades start to drop down
- complain of a ringing sound in their ears (tinnitus)
- They suddenly start to talk too loudly for comfort
- They pronounce the words incorrectly
Some of the conditions and events that may cause permanent hearing loss in children:
- hereditary conditions
- some genetic disorders
- loud noises, such as firecrackers, rock concerts or personal stereos
- injuries, such as concussion or skull fracture
- Certain diseases, such as meningitis and mumps.
So, do not be late. Consult an Audiologist in Charlottesville, Virginia, and Raleigh, North Carolina who will help your child throughout the process of hearing issues. Come to Evolution Hearing and choose a better future for your child.
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